With Josh's information I found out that the Africa people weren’t slaves for very long, but they suffered allot of discrimination. The concentration camps sound pretty bad, and not letting animal colored people have voting rights or very little rights at all is said. They had like revolutionary war over in South Africa, but it sounds different with the guerrilla war far. This information has showed me what kind of fighting has gone on in Africa over the many years. I see that with the fighting it’s not helping Africa to much its more likely making it worse.
Shannon’s wasn’t too different from what I learned in the book I had read from I knew about the diamonds and other riches that African rely on. The main cities I learned about though I didn’t know about them as much so it was nice to learn about the. Also I learned that Dutch were the first to settle in Africa I thought it was Britain. The other main income of the fruit and tobacco I didn’t know was a large part of Africa that was pretty cool to know.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Africa Background
When Africa was first colonized the native people where seen as a lesser race to the Europeans that settled there. They labeled them as savages that were cannibals. The first man to find meet with Africa natives was Vasco do Gama. When he met with the natives he found them very kind and came with food and trading animals. It was in the later years that the Khoisan were called savages. With white people pushing the Khoisan into undesirable areas to live where they learned to live off of hunting and gathering made white think that these people where primitive beings compared to them. With the Khoisan going back to the ways of the bushmen they soon became amusement for people to see. Some where killed and put into a museum to be on display for people to all see. Scientist look at the Bushmen as animals that they could perform tests on and just treat like they were some wild thing they had found. With scientist looking at these people they soon found out they weren’t as primitive as thought out to be they had a complex language, along with there technical skills in there environment. They also had a very well organized social relationship. They were extremely caring for their children along with their elders. Bushmen were well skilled artist as there is rock painting all over Africa that are very detailed for that time of art. There are over 30,000 rock art sites in South Africa. When the art was found in the 1900s people concluded that no one from Africa could of make such great art so it was thought to be from others who had set foot in Africa. When the Bushmen were finally credit for the art it was in the 1990s when South Africa’s apartheid regime collapsed as the art portrays belief of the San people or Bushmen.
Africa is a very rich continent as it has many resources from many various types of plants (8,500) to a ton of diamonds. Africa is a harsh land to grow plants as in is very dry and the soil is very rocky. With the finding of diamonds, gold, platinum, chromium, nickel, and many other valuable materials, has helped Africa with that problem of bad farming. With all those great a shiny things Africa sit has one great thing to add to its many wonders. The Bushveld Igneous Complex it is not like anything on earth not only is it jam backed with various of minerals, it is also the largest complex in the known world stretching 25,480 miles. The complex single handle got Africa 5 billion dollars in U.S. money to its economy in 1995.
The first sitting of wealth in Africa was by a Dutch man who went and visited a friend next to the Vaal River in 1867. A child was playing with a shinny stone that caught the man’s eye and asked the father of the child if he could buy it from them. He got it for feed the father had no idea that it was a diamond. With in 3 years after the find of the diamond over 5,000 prospectors were staking their claims. With the finding of diamonds they found the mother load you could say which became known as Kimberley. It was the the biggest man hole in the world 985 feet across and 295 feet deep. Kimberley had produced more diamond than any other place in the world. This brought Africa many jobs which brought a pretty good pay for people. With the people making such good pay as miner it was adding up, so the mine owners turned to convicts as it was cheaper to get them to work. They couldn't quite or leave they worked as long as they were told. Then in 1932 they stopped using convicts and got worker, but by then the work places where like prisons and people where held there until their contract was up. There was no contact to the outside world and they moved through a fence that roofed over the top of them so they couldn't throw diamonds to family.
Some say Africa that Africa isn't able to hold a strong goverment it was never ment to work. Africa is at the bottom of the list with health, food, educationn, and many other problems. WIth only a small percentage of people living in homes that have good food and water. Also witht he bad health, Africa has a large number of diseases with twenty-five million poeple infected by AIDS. With that there are many other diseases that are in Africa that have deadly effects on people.
Africa is a very rich continent as it has many resources from many various types of plants (8,500) to a ton of diamonds. Africa is a harsh land to grow plants as in is very dry and the soil is very rocky. With the finding of diamonds, gold, platinum, chromium, nickel, and many other valuable materials, has helped Africa with that problem of bad farming. With all those great a shiny things Africa sit has one great thing to add to its many wonders. The Bushveld Igneous Complex it is not like anything on earth not only is it jam backed with various of minerals, it is also the largest complex in the known world stretching 25,480 miles. The complex single handle got Africa 5 billion dollars in U.S. money to its economy in 1995.
The first sitting of wealth in Africa was by a Dutch man who went and visited a friend next to the Vaal River in 1867. A child was playing with a shinny stone that caught the man’s eye and asked the father of the child if he could buy it from them. He got it for feed the father had no idea that it was a diamond. With in 3 years after the find of the diamond over 5,000 prospectors were staking their claims. With the finding of diamonds they found the mother load you could say which became known as Kimberley. It was the the biggest man hole in the world 985 feet across and 295 feet deep. Kimberley had produced more diamond than any other place in the world. This brought Africa many jobs which brought a pretty good pay for people. With the people making such good pay as miner it was adding up, so the mine owners turned to convicts as it was cheaper to get them to work. They couldn't quite or leave they worked as long as they were told. Then in 1932 they stopped using convicts and got worker, but by then the work places where like prisons and people where held there until their contract was up. There was no contact to the outside world and they moved through a fence that roofed over the top of them so they couldn't throw diamonds to family.
Some say Africa that Africa isn't able to hold a strong goverment it was never ment to work. Africa is at the bottom of the list with health, food, educationn, and many other problems. WIth only a small percentage of people living in homes that have good food and water. Also witht he bad health, Africa has a large number of diseases with twenty-five million poeple infected by AIDS. With that there are many other diseases that are in Africa that have deadly effects on people.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Africa is also the second largest continent in the world its a big deal.Well Africa is the most dangerous continent in the world.Why is this because pretty much everything that lives there can kill you. This is also were aids originated so its pretty scary over there. Then they also have giant civil wars going on in the country. In this giant land it has the longest river the Nile and the largest desert the Sahara. It is home to a cart load of animals from hippos to sharks. Which are pretty dangerous animals if you watch animal planet. Along with those you have loins, hyenas, cheetahs and many more. With aids there is also yellow fever, and the Ebola virus. South Africa is the most populated part of Africa it is also the most civialized part of Africa. So thats about as much as I know about Africa.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Rabbit Proof Fence

In the book rabbit proof fence the author is telling a story of how Europeans came to Australia and calmed it as their own. Even though for over hundreds of years the Aboriginal people had lived in Australia cut off from the rest of the world. Doris Pilkington is of aboriginal descent, in the book she writes she shows no strong anger towards the Europeans for taking the land from her ancestors. I think that she is just trying to tell a story through the book. She’s not trying to make it like the Europeans are evil people who destroyed her people or that her ancestors where uncivilized people. She is putting facts with the story showing what happened in a calm way. She isn’t choosing sides in anyway she all she wants to do is tell the story. She wants people to enjoy her reading that has informational facts without them being more lop sided with one part then the other. That is why she is so neutral when writing this book she wants to tell a story not pick a fight or anything like that.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Crash is a multi-perspective story as it blends stories of many people into one big one. Which in the end they all connect some how. It has cops, gangstas, Mexicans, and whites all in one. Showing how they are like one with their lives no matter how different they are.
300 is a movie about 300 Spartans who fight a giant army to save there people from slavery. Its told from one man that was with the 300 hundred who fought with them , but sent away to tell the story its in 3rd limited Omniscient As he tells the story of there great king and how he lead 300 Spartans to fight and army of millions how they knew they wouldn't come back alive, but they did it for their people and their families.
Timeline blends a story with history. It take people back in time when a war is going on with the French and British. Where they are taken through a time machine and they get stuck back in time and fine out that there a big part of history.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
As we moved the mob through the open I see a red heifer shes not like any of the other cows in the group. I knew I'd have to keep and eye on her as we pushed on through the bush. As I'm the head healer of the group its my duty to keep the mob in line and to make sure the trouble makers don't get out of control. This red heifer is like none I'd ever heeled she was a wild thing. I watched her as she crept to the flank of the herd waiting for the time when she would make a break from the mob. Then the moment came she went for it. I got the signal the whistle go off after my feet padding against the ground. She doesn't know I'm coming when i bit into her right hide foot she lets out a bellow. She turns but I'm to quick a hit her again she races back to the mob. When she makes it back I take my place with the mob watching for anymore that try to get away. Then after awhile with my heeling of the red heifer I see that she does take the hint very well. She makes a break for it again I get the signal. I'm off quick like lighting, I bit her hard this time she throws a mean right hoof I duck under. Then bite hard into the left she throws another mean hoof I'm to quick I take her other leg. Then she turns a full run back to the mob. I take chance of her biting at every chance I get. This time she won't for get as this time I have the taste of blood in my mouth. We bring the cows to the corrals. They separate the cows and the calves along with the red heifer. I take my spot in the branding corrals where I wait to here for any signal I'm needed. Then there all separated I go out and watch as one by one the calves are all branded. During this time I see that the red heifer is freaking having a giant fit and shes looking to get out she tries everything from running into the fence going under, but it doesn't work. Then its her turn to be branded she put up a giant fight but in the end she is branded while I lay there a watch. After she is let go she bolts for the fence and somehow managers to make it over the fence see looked like a giant red sea saw when she got over rocking back a forth. The she takes off she will be even more fun next time before she is taken away from here.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
The women in the story Bushranger from the coach are both gentle and lady like. When Starlight and his gang of bushranger rode the coach there are 2 women that are on the coach. Both very lady like with fancy dresses. When Starlight ask for there watches and purses they give it to him without a struggle. The young lady though tells Starlight that she only has five pounds which is her only way to get on the train at the station she is going to. With her saying that I think that the young lady is using her girlish charm to get her money back from Starlight. She uses her tears and her looks to con Starlight into giving back her money, with her little story about her mom only giving her 5 pounds. So Starlight being the gentlemen that he gives the young lady back her money and slips her a little something extra. So yes in the story ladies use their way that people see them as the finer sex to con the men into giving them something that they want. Weather it is batting a eyelash or shedding a few tears every now and then.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
With Guura there is bad blood between the white's and Guura's people. The whites have taken the aborigine's land as their own and have had conflicts with them. The white men have interrupted a ceremony of the aborigine's which have angered them. They talk of war but Guura seeing his people dieing. Even though the aborigines look for peace, blood will be spilt there is no way around it. With the men killing one of the aborigine's as they come to there console to see if they should go to war with the whites. You see that even if they try to find peace people will die. As in the console they white men come a spear is through, and a friend of Guura is shot by the men. The spear sticks in the fire showing that everything of the aborigine's will change and the spears turns black showing that it will be dark time for the aborigine people. Blood shed is inevitible why because the whites are greedy and think they own the land that Aborigines have lived on for hundreds of years. The oldest man in the story is the kind that wont seek peace hes greedy and doesn't want peace. The young man is the kind of people that it will take to help the Aborigines, but they won't be able to stop the bloodshed.
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