Thursday, April 23, 2009

Compare and contast essay

In the book Haroun and the Sea of Stories is about another place on the second moon of earth on this moon is the place where all the stories of the world come from. There are two types of people that live on this moon the Gups and the Chups. These two people are different in many ways with the Gups living in the light and the Chups living in the dark is probably the bi difference that set them so far apart. With this huge difference between them the Chupwalas try poisoning the sea of stories so everything would turn dark and kind dead like which the Chupwalas like. The Gups don’t like that idea so they stop the poisoning before it destroys the sea.

With the build of Dornix park in Big Timber the people are coming together to work on something that is special to everyone. Like the Guppees Big Timber doesn’t have to work on the park to make it better they chose to because its something they think is great for the community. The Gups look after the sea because it is special to them and it has all the stories of the time which they enjoy deeply. Big Timber is cleaning and making Dornix Park not just because it’s a piece of Big Timbers history, but so it’s possible for later generations to enjoy this beautiful park that is taking the sweat and hard work of the community of Big Timber. Dornix is old being the first town setup way back which later turned in to Big Timber. Dornix is like the Old Zone which holds all the old stories in it which helps make new stories out of the old ones. So when the Gups cleaned out the Old Zone its like us cleaning out Dornix so everyone can enjoy both.

The efforts to build Dornix Park don’t quite mix with what the Chupwalas want to do. The Chupwalas are trying to destroy the sea make it a giant frozen cold waste land like their home. With the cleaning up of Dornix Big Timber is trying to make it more enjoyable and beautiful so people can enjoy it not destroy it like the Chupwalas are trying to destroy the Sea of Stories.

Dornix Park is big for Big Timber as it is made by the people. Everyone that works on it is volunteers so it’s a giant group effort by everyone. Dornix was the first town built in Sweety Grass County so it has some history along with the building of the park. The community wants the history of where Big Timber began remembered through the years so that’s why it’s a big project. Also its one of the first park built just by the people not by some contractor, but by the people of Big Timber which makes it special.

With the building and cleaning of the park we are very close to the Gups who clean the Sea of stories for everyone to enjoy. Like we are cleaning and building the park so everyone can enjoy by walking through it and seeing the site that it holds. While we work hard to make it and restore the beauty to it we all have to work very hard to make it all come together. The Chupwalas aren’t in any means the same for the try to destroy things not make the beautiful an awesome for everyone to enjoy. So the Gups and Big Timber are very close and good people that like the beauty of things that are around them.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Haroun and the Sea of Stories

The Guppees and the Chupwalas are people that live on earth’s 2nd moon. The moon moves so fast that it isn’t seen by regular people because it is so speed. The Guppees are the people of talk and story telling they love to talk and be happy. They also live on the side of the moon where the sun is always shining and is very nice. The city they live in is called Gup where isn’t very nice and warm. The Chupwalas like in the land of Chup it’s the dark side of the moon where the sun never shines and its always cold there. The people of Gup are very talkative like I said before; they love to tell stories as they live by and maintain the ocean of stories. The people of Chup are cold people that don’t speak at all they hate stories and the light their very negative group of people. They want to make the moon all dark and sad which they start by poisoning the ocean of stories.

Khattam Shud is the ruler of Chup he is a very dark mean man that doesn’t enjoy talking at all or stories. With him poisoning the ocean of stories it is starting to freeze over and if that happen all stories will be lost and a story will never be told again. So if he takes over there will be no more stories and the world will be lame and even sadder because there will be no stories to tell anymore.

The Old Zone is the part of the ocean where all the stories come from it holds all the old stories. From the old ones new stories are made by combing stories together. So it is important that the Old Zone is safe so more stories can be made. If isn’t safe then there will be no new stories to make and soon all stories would stop all together,
It’s important because it represent that old make new it shows that with old come the new. If there is no Old Zone then nothing new can be made because everything has to have a beginning at some point and time in the world.

Batcheat and the ocean are important is some ways even though one seems to be a little more important than the other. Batcheat is the princess of Gup which makes her kind of a symbol to the people. The prince Bolo loves her and would do anything for here even though the people don’t think she’s the greatest even she’s still their princess. So they have to save her. The ocean is what keeps the Guppees going without it everything they are will be lost for their stories wouldn’t be able to make people happy anymore because there would be no more stories to tell people. So the ocean at this point is a little more important to the people than the princess is.

Blabbermouth is a woman that chooses to make herself look like a moan to get along the world she lives in for its very hard for her to do so. So she fakes being a man and goes into the army which would be tough being something your not but she does very well and worlds hard for it. Batcheat is the princess she really doesn’t have to work for anything as she is royalty so everything comes easier for her. She also isn’t the best looking lady so with her being royalty she really doesn’t have to worry about that. Blabbermouth is a hard working lady that knows what she has to do to make it in the town of Gup. Batcheat really doesn't have to do anything because she is royalty and can be lazy.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What's the purpose

What's the purpose of make believe stories? Make believe stories can have many purposes. One such purpose would be to tell a story to entertain a person or a crowd. This would be a good way to pass the time as many people enjoy hearing stories from time to time. Also little children like to hear a story before they go to bed maybe it helps them sleep hearing some made up story about dragons and elves and make believe characters that fight evil villains and come out victorious in the end.

Make believe stories can be used to get appoint across to someone. If you’re trying to tell someone something important you might make up a story so the person can better understand the point you are trying to get across to them. Like if you’re trying to tell someone what would help them to go farther in some sport of something you can make up a story about work ethic and trying your best to be the best.

You can trick someone with a make believe story to do something that could benefit you or them which ever way you want it to go. Like if you want someone to take you some where you could make up a story about how your mom needs something important and their the only person that could help you get it for your mom. Even though you just wanted a ride to get somewhere that you wanted to be at the time and need a story that would help you get there.