Tuesday, April 7, 2009

What's the purpose

What's the purpose of make believe stories? Make believe stories can have many purposes. One such purpose would be to tell a story to entertain a person or a crowd. This would be a good way to pass the time as many people enjoy hearing stories from time to time. Also little children like to hear a story before they go to bed maybe it helps them sleep hearing some made up story about dragons and elves and make believe characters that fight evil villains and come out victorious in the end.

Make believe stories can be used to get appoint across to someone. If you’re trying to tell someone something important you might make up a story so the person can better understand the point you are trying to get across to them. Like if you’re trying to tell someone what would help them to go farther in some sport of something you can make up a story about work ethic and trying your best to be the best.

You can trick someone with a make believe story to do something that could benefit you or them which ever way you want it to go. Like if you want someone to take you some where you could make up a story about how your mom needs something important and their the only person that could help you get it for your mom. Even though you just wanted a ride to get somewhere that you wanted to be at the time and need a story that would help you get there.

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